The other night Chopper brought home some paperwork on the new trike Harley is making. My first Harley was a Servi-car and I had a blast on it. It was only a 45ci engine and top end going up a hill was a strain at 45mph tops.
I traded up to a 1200 Sporty after a couple years, but I really loved some things about my trike, like the reverse throttle on the left and the shifter on the tank (a nice brass skull for the knob) and that oh so comfy solo seat.
Due to my health issues I haven't had a scoot in 6 years now and now that I've improved a little I sorely miss it. To be honest I have my eye on a Cross Bones (very old school design which I like) but my shoulders are a bit weak and not sure I could handle keeping the wheels on the road in a dicey spot (like when they leave 5 inches of gravel down on road construction or some blind old person decides their motorhome owns both lanes).
I really am unsure of getting a trike again...I really liked the fine control I had on 2 wheels, but it does have a 103 CI motor (teehee) ,the box looks like it could be customized for Boots and it does have a reverse, something that was invaluable on my old trike. On the minus side it has a fairing (garbage wagon!) but I suppose that could be removed...the windshield on my old trike came off pretty quick, so this would too...was just a bug collector and besides, what's the sense of riding if you can't feel the wind in your face?
I'm short, so the Cross Bones might not be a good fit and would be a bit heavier than my Sporty was...but still...hairpin curves just aren't as much fun on 3 as they are on 2 wheels. And how the heck do you race the old man from light to light in a big ol' trike? :D
I suppose it's all a moot point old man may work for a dealership, but that doesn't mean we get a break on the prices...the trike would cost more than our turbo Subaru plus it's extra for reverse!
But a girl can dream, eh? It took me til I was 40 to finally get my first Harley...I guess I'll shoot for my 4th one at 60 :D After's all cream at this point...never thought I'd make it past 30!
Happy riding and I'll return to the regularly scheduled art programming tomorrow :)